Monday, July 16, 2012

At home hair dying tip

I am fixing to color my hair as I often do.  Which made me think of sharing a tip with those who color their hair at home like I do.  I often decide that I am going to color my hair right as it is time for me to go to work or when I am getting ready for a night out with friends. Which means usually I am pressed for time. So I am rushing to get my hair covered with color so that I have time to let it set in. Since I am rushing around  I often get a blotch of color right at my hair line that's dripping down to my eyebrow or on my ear. Sometimes it even ends up somewhere that wouldn't be to noticeable If I had planned to where my hair down with a side swept bang. As you know though I am pressed for time because I have decided that the best time for me to color my hair is 10mins before I should be getting in the shower, to allot me time to do my make up and hair to be ready in time to not be late. So my hair unfortunately is going to end up in a messy side ponytail, or a braid or some sort of up do which means I can't have color at my hairline or on my ear or the back of my neck. So after much trial and effort I have found a solution to my problem (though maybe dying my hair at a more convenient time may solve it as well.)  that will help with my at home coloring faux pas. What I do is take a little bit of  regular Vaseline and put it on my skin right at my hair line and a dab it on my ears (tops & lobes) so that in my rush to get my hair color on my hair if I do splatter some of the hair color on my skin around the hair line that I can simply wipe the Vaseline off of my skin. The color just glides right off with it, so with no scrubbing involved I don't have those crazy looking red marks that come from scrubbing my skin for 10mins trying to get the hair color off of my skin. And I don't have that crazy looking black drip from my hair line to my left brow either. Let me know if you found this helpful and I can leave you more tips that I have learned with my trial and error.
Here is to happy dying!!

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